Monday, August 18, 2008

The First Week...

I just completed my first week as a "retiree" and I just have one thing to say...I have been quite busy. I suppose a portion of that could be attributed to the fact that there is a quite active 3 year old running around here. I love IT!!! The week was complicated by a nasty summer cold that invaded the first weekend. I have lots of projects lined up...Ronnie said "you will get bored"!! NEVER! Here are a couple of pictures and a promise that soon we will get caught up on posting!


Ronnie and Hope enjoying a bike ride Cute cute cute on the 4th of July...more July 4th photos soon. Tyler riding Yellow Dixie...we have 2 horses named Dixie... one we named and one we bought that was already named.


the scrappy chic said...

Happy Retirement Becky:) I know you will be very, very, very busy with cute little Hope! Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

You are behind it's been a week since a update.
Love you,