Wednesday, May 09, 2007

All Hat and No Cattle

Jeff had been considering buying a couple of cows or heifers for a while. He had gone to the sale barn a time or two but still hadn’t found what he wanted. What he did discover at the sale barn though, was that he needed a bigger truck. He told Bethany that his little Ford Ranger looked puny next to all of the farm and cattle pickups.

Also, he began to feel the need for a cowboy hat which he remedied soon enough with a modest investment. When he came home wearing the hat, my daughter Bethany, showing her usual measure of restraint and tact, ridiculed Jeff mercilessly. She was accustomed to seeing him in golfing attire and the like. The hat seemed totally incongruous.

When Bethany told me about the hat, I told her that it was a good idea, since Jeff would be out in the sun tending cows with me. I guess she wondered what the difference was in golfing in the sun every weekend, as opposed to tending cattle. She apparently knows very little about cows. Almost everyone knows that cows would not respect someone wearing Dockers shorts, a collared knit shirt, and a Ping cap. How many cows do you see out on golf courses?

I admonished Bethany to stop poking fun at Jeff and his hat. I did warn her, however that he really shouldn’t wear the hat until after he had bought some cows, or he would be in the unenviable position known in Texas as “all hat and no cattle”.

Well, about two weeks ago we went and bought some cows. Jeff bought a cow with a five month old heifer calf, and the cow is bred back already. We bought a cow that is due to calve in a few months. Both cows are BIG nice Beefmasters. Jeff has a good start in the cow/calf business. My Mom looked at the big pretty cow that Jeff bought and said, “anybody that owns a cow like that can wear any kind of hat they want to.”

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