Tuesday, January 08, 2008

China Bound

It's hard to believe, but the time is finally here. After two years and seven months of waiting we are ready to go to China and bring home our daughter. You would think that with all that time to prepare we would have been packed several months ago. Actually, there are a lot of items that can't be dealt with until after the people in China go into motion, so it has been a little hectic these last three weeks. We encourage everyone to be checking http://www.chinahopejournal.blogspot.com/ for updates. We will be travelling for the next thirty six hours or so, therefore we may be a day or two before news from China.

If you are one who prays, please join us in our most fervent prayer, that the Lord would prepare Hope Marie's (AKA Huai Dong Tan) heart to meet us. We pray that God's peace would witness to her inner being, helping her to relax during this great transition in her life. Also, please pray for Becky, Jewell, and myself, for health, strength, and wisdom.

Thanks to everyone that has helped in this process so far, with prayers, gifts, and assistance, in our Church, family, and friends.

Happy New Year and God Bless,

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