I love my family! Today was a very busy day and Misty and Carmen both did such sweet things for me today. I needed to work a little bit late and Misty volunteered to stop by and stay with Hope when Ronnie left for work today. Not only did she play with little sis she spent some time in my laundry room and unloading the dishwasher...wow what a daughter. Thanks Misty.
Then Carmen called and invited Hope and me to go out to dinner with them. I said yes and away we went. It was a lot of fun and a good mid-week time with John, Carmen, Bradley, Ben, and Sunnie.
Bethany was out of town for a couple of days but she called earlier and invited Hope to a birthday party on Saturday for a friend's little girl. What fun for both of them!!
We have been so busy since little Hope Marie came into our lives that we have neglected to share a lot great family fun and will be trying to play catch-up on that.
That is a cute picture of the girls. I don't think I have ever seen Carmen with straight hair!!! I can't wait to meet Hope this summer.
hey have you lost your camera? Missing seeing new pictures. Hope everyone is doing okay
Love, Sharon
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